Saturday, September 6, 2008


Today was a working day for me...but in MMI, we only work for 2 it was like...reached....sit....left....hahahahha..

Went to get some groceries @ SSS and I met Sis's old Kelana Purba tu..FooolAmak! His hair da long seh!..DA jadiK MAMAT ROCKERS!!! hahah.. said hi n waved

Today I became the wife and doter that all men wish to have...;) I prepared food for breaking fast! all alone...the rest of my family members were all in cotton land..I cooked ayam lemak cili padi, i made potato n beef puffs and even desert...kueh LompAt tikam..and all taste so goooooooood!!!

by the way, i've put on the nightie u! hahaha...I was damn right! I look like a pomegranete...or was it a giant dragonfruit???? sial lah! vulgarities..its ramadhan! Astaraghfirullahalazim ;)

the lompat tikam in my fridge...(dunno why the name)
before they were fried
yummy...crispy on the outside..soft on the inside....
the ayam lemak cili padi

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