Friday, September 5, 2008

Im HappY.......

seryuz so Happy to the max...Thank u ALLAH for answering my prayers, waking up in the morning is never a torture or drag seh..hehehehehe....fasting so far alhamdullilah..lum has been great, the people (young or old)- they are a great bunch!! mY relationship with luv is you is getter better each financial status is also improving...maklumlah...gaji da besar...hahahahaha.....

i tought im gonna stop studying after completing my CIT..but tup tup!!! am going for my DMT ( Diploma in Montessori) pulak somewhere in October..after Raya I guess. Montessori is something pretty new to me though we had 1/8 of it in EK. Im surrounded with lotsa "wood" in school..hehes...its totally a different approach from a thematic centre. Right now, I feel like a queen!!! There is no lesson plans, no worksheets, no learning corners..its all being done for and yet they are paying me sooo high! Best mmg best...but knowing me...I cant sit still arh...forever wanna kinja2 like a cacing its kinda "boling ay".....

Did a bit of shopping today @ Tom & Stefanie...bought wet wipes( essential & as usual), hand sanitiser, SUPERMAN drinking bottle and OMG....a nightgown dats PINK!!!!! wakakakaka....confirm bila pakai nampak macam pomegranete...wakakakak....okok...TGIF!!! cant wait for sunday arh...goin for shephard's pie for buke....yahoooooooo...

she's my love @ 1st sight @ MMI - Filipino gerl ( Aleign)
Scooping & Pouring...looks familiar?

the wet wipes - a new brand that i'm trying
cudnt get the pink one ( pasal ader gambar piglet..ahaks)
adding another bottle to my collection :parghhhh....there u go the pink nightie...from Eureka
imagine me in the nightie..;)

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