Saturday, September 27, 2008


alas...ive reached geylang!!! hehes..just surveying if there's any gd stuff to get. Im so in love with one Persian carpet but it was far too ex..$380 u! so I just dropped the idea and told myself NO WAY! I 'm just gonna use my existing carpet! We started from TKC and pass thru Haig Road-kampong Malayu and back to TKC...BreaK fast @ DI TANJONG KATONG CAFE/RESTAURANT....wah ate till I cant if!!! Btw, Geylang was so crowds at all..easy to walk here and there...I tink even the bazaaar @ CWP is much much more crowded u!

Niwae, luv is u is here with me tonight...i so missed my nites with him..i'm baking Hershey's cookies rite now...wah tasete like "FAMOUS ANUS" hahah...ish tak senonoi!
Enjoy my not-shy-pix okay!!!

I wanted dis seafood rice SPICY...but it was not at all...
luv is u forever with his "wet" beef beehoon


the fried beancurd with crabmeat & sharkfin
luv is u ordered this - fried rodeo wings
see how unbustling it was...
muker terkejuat! ( Shocked face)
say :CHEESE: @ d carpark
a glimpse of the F1 training...OK OK! I'm in love with my school's van...its such a beauty rite?!!

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