Saturday, March 29, 2008

HungRy GhoStss..

twas just a normal day was as usual. Had a nice pyjamas party cum parade in!( the theme was on day/night...if u were wondering why???) had pillow fites and lah....
knocked off at 530...dint stay till 7 today as i had a date with hub for dinner...he oso am shift mah..heheh... went to CAVANA @ Smbawng...Hub had black pepper chx in hotplate while I had the most boringest stuff on earth...2 pcs fried wings with chips!!!! haiyo....then had chocolate pancake and hot soft beancurd from Bean'S before heading home...
wAs a very tiring dint even touch my PC or lappy....showered and BUM!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

memorandum of agreement (MOA)

from top.....the bonesteak horfun in upeh ( sori to say this but it looks so porky rite?)...nasi pattaya..mutton chop...roti in HQ (b/w) in HQ...(colour)..all from Irfan's @ jalan Masjid...

HEY HEY having that headache + mual2 thing again....really need to sleep early...
but before i's today's update...went to HQ today to witness the memorandum of agreement between JBS and Al-Madinah University (mediu)...GOH was Mr Hawazi Daipi and also some Arab people..after that went over to 6th level to sign agreement letter. then went back to centre and went home at 7....

btw, ytd, went around spore.wanted to go to haw paar villa but reached ther eat 750..and that place closed at 7pm.sick! so went to eat at Jln Masjid....and then to changi point to see BAPOKS and then to SUntec to see the fountain of wealth and then to marina to see the spore flyer and then to Keppel to see vivo and then to mount faber to see the cable cars.....hahahah wad a long day!!!!!


Sunday, March 23, 2008

maulidurrasul @ Tampines

yesterday was a very tiring day for me seh....but then its for a good deed...dapat pahala kau! hehehe....were on duty for the maulidurrasul rally @ tampines stadium organised by Jamiyah tiring....but then dapat nasi briyani hahahaha
10 paket kau...and with packet drinks kau! there u see tired face....k lah bye...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

HAppy 35tH birthday sIsta

the mini walnut cake for an old lady....hahah
Look @ my New SteamboaT poT....
just the 8 of us
the soup is boiling up
its been a while since i last came in rite? ouh well natink of much happened. just the same old mundane routine... :)

hmm aniway, yesterday was a great Day...twas Good friday hols and i spent my time with my family over at aMK ( sis place ) we celebrated sis bdae a day earlier cuz today I wun be arouND.gotta go for MauLud's @ tampines. tho it was just a mini celebration, i hope that sis enjoyed herself. It was the 1st time we had a steamboat lunch @home seh....syiok arh...its all inspired by lao shi..hehs.

mum n dad still sleeping Over @ amk while me n hub ciao home first cuz i dint bring extra bajus. Reached home quite early yesterday so decided to catch a show nearby (coswae sua ler) and saw Semi Pro...okok la...wud give it a 6/10.not that funny arh...and I saw Elaine over @ cathay, too....heheheh....small world...k lah...gotta go oredi....meeting Jay and sarija @ interchange kul 1115am.hehehehe.....


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


a very tiring day...dunno why but just felt a lil tired..maybe cuz its monday and its all in the mind...haha...

work was as usual..and this week im doing the late shift kana bear with the long evening arh...

after werk met hub for dinner being very kwai for the first time...asked for just a simple meal at Banquet seh. And dint even lookaround to choose but headed straight to the yong tau foo stall...heheh apa angin ntah..if u wud haf known me well enuff, u wud definately know i'm not a soup person arh...but then again...the YTF was good!!!! look at that...that cost me $8.00 seh!!! after dinner, bought some stuffs from popular and pasar malam....then home sweet home....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

my updates....just 4 u....hahahahah

hi its saturday here's the update...

sunday 2/3/08

went amk hub...just for a short walk walk with sai,.sis,nefs and nis. had fun at the archade, boughts pants and bags..and rounded off the day with a meal @KFC.. and then from KFC, took a slow stroll back to sis' place....

monday went on as usual....but tuesday 4/3/08...another shock came in the wee morning around fell seryuzly ill..the worst part...hub was working night shift. I had no choice but to quickly call sis and hub to come refused to go to the hptal...and even refused the ambulance!!! it was a really scary scene...we really thought that we were gonna lose him that very morning....:'( me, sis and hub took lah kalau adik bradik dua rang jer...

wednesday 5/3/08 brought dad back to NHC...he had to undergo the tomography gamma test...kesian ayah...kena masuk the trowong thingy...hopefully dad will really get well soon....insyaallah...

thursday 6/3/08 back to work...suddenly felt like eating long never eat pizza went for a quick bite @ CWP pizza..ermmmm....

then came friday 7/3/08

bought presents for siti sarah...all the vain port stuffs...hope she likes them..perfumme, powder, hair lotion, clips, pink towels..and an electronic device for learning phonics...Had celebration in school with her very cute cake ...thomas n friends... kan...after work, went for a quickkie....i mean a quick movie..haha..the water horse @ PS...wad a boring show! 10minutes of action n interesting part only...the rest of the storyline was so slow....banyak songeh! anyway thanks dear for the treat!

saturday 8/3/08 my turn this week...cooked kway teow soup for the kiddies...sedap u!!! hahaha...

this weekend just gonna stay at home i make up for the sleep lost over the week....hahahahah


Sunday, March 2, 2008

HAppY bIrthDAy RahimaH

ThursdaY, 28Th FebruarY 2008

HAppY BIrtHDay To Our deAr Tr RahiMAh....hahaha so old liao enh...quartEr Of A century leh..wahahahaha....

anyway, dee N me went to Get the bloUse, cake and card after wOrk last wedneSday..It

was DifficulT choosiNg a rite One fo Her cuZ we reallY do Not Know Wad Her taste is

likE...the Cake was easy Lah..pasaL ikut selera we Settled For

maroon bloUse ..wICh boTh of us agreed oN....

On ThursdAy itself, we Had a mini CelebratiOn for her...buT we felT that RahiMah

didnT look the least happy or excited.EveN Sarija said that she was expressioNless seh..

sediH kita...but then its Ok lah... as Long As shE is Hap
py deep Down inside...
reading d birhday card......... tryIng oN the Baju....

FridaY, 29th February 2008

Had an educatioNal field triP to DaruL takrim, a home for the aged. Sad sighT lah to see the old

folks....basically the desTitute Sad...we were welcomed by the kompang...played by the

atuks and sweet rite? there was this uncle aged 93...still quite strong...sang for us on stage

u! he sanG "beginilah nasib....diriku yang malang....oh Tuhan~~~" my tears were Like rolling...control


in the evEninG, supposedlY....we got A date...but then was a long.....sad story that will be

continued~~~~~~~ :-(

Saturday, 1st MArch 2008

yeahooo off day.....But gotta go work lah! wanted to finish some Work in school...and bought pratas for

the galS... Well niwaE cant eat much, cuz we werE goinG for Lunch afteR work...cum celebration

PART II for rahimaH....teeeheeee~~~

So therE we were At SWensoNs @ 230 pm....finalLy man! ThankS Tr RAhiMAh for the LovelY ice

creaM treaT...Next yeaR JAcK's Place enh? hehehe.... We BougHT hEr fireHouse Bdae Ice creaM

too, which She diNt finisH cuz therE waS HAIR "in" the ice creaM....buT we haD fun lorh....onlY

Tr AbbY and LAoshI cudnt Make iT.....WeLL....natiNk new wad hor!!!

Dee forever happy taking picture!!!! Wah! so seryuz reading the menu arh Tr Manjit?

thE sticky chewy choco pple..... tHe Hazel Daze n Butter ScotcH pple....

the earthquake pple....duk jauh2 makan sendiri the 'firehouse' specially for TR RAHIMAH!!!!!

Oh mY God!!! LooK at The Bills maN!!!!!!!!

In the evenIng, Went Sengkang to Sil noR's grandsON, Ahmad Hazreeq, cuko rambots!!!

waH, da 1 mth plus pun this lil one...had Food again....but This time the cooking from MaiL's caterIng

like SlackeneD taste....even My hub Said so....

SundaY, 2nd MArch 2008

Hub's soccer tournamenT at SIA CLUBHOUSE....doubt i can make it thEre Today....lots Of work to

do.....but Maybe goiNg for a show later in the late eveninG with Hub.....Nak watch D LEAP YEARS good liddat....Hahahahaahah........

K lah....wad a long entry toDay enh.....catch Up soon k...